Sacred Bridge
To Honor and Acknowledge Transitions Through Ceremony
Sacred Bridge is a 5 week course which will provide the tools of ritual and community to help you hold whatever life transition you are undergoing. The heart of the course will consist of composing a ceremony that reflects a particular need you have identified and performing the ceremony on your own, outside of class, but with the support and accountability of our intimate community.
Along the way we will research, reflect, converse, and explore the processes and purposes of remembering, marking, honoring, resolving, and being witnesses to our own lives. Our journey will close with a space to share, and time to reflect upon the experience of moving through your ceremony, and being your own Ceremonialist.
People throughout time and across the world have lived by ceremonies as a way to honor, celebrate, mourn, and process. As a Ceremonialist, I feel, hear and know the need for ceremony, poetic meaning making, and collective acknowledgment. The ceremonies I create with people are born out of an emergent process of deep conversation, listening, reflecting, and imagining. In this workshop series, I will teach you how to cultivate some of these abilities within yourself, while also designing a specific ceremony guided by one of my ritual maps.
The syllabus can be viewed here.

altar for ceremony created by Emma Rose Brown, Sacred Bridge January 2023
previous Sacred Bridge courses:
January 2023 in partnership with Poetry Forge
June 2023 in partnership with The School of Making Thinking
January 2024 with guest Sister Spinster
No upcoming dates
Please join the mailing list to be informed of the next time Sacred Bridge is offered

altar for ceremony created by Kristen Soller, Sacred Bridge June 2023